
Despite the recent rise of e-learning, not all e-learning experiences respond to accessible and compatible technologies, nor to methodologies appropriate to their purpose.

The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated changes in the way we work, train, and organize. After more than two decades of experimenting with the applicability of e-learning solutions, the interest of companies, universities and institutions in this subject is rising, which, perhaps now, is unfolding to stay.
Virtual learning communities are digital spaces in which users share ideas and materials, in processes of building collective, interactive, and organized knowledge.
This innovation brunch invited us to review what trends and innovations are emerging in the field of e-learning, what technologies are emerging, and what methodological, organizational and socio-economic challenges remain important to consider and resolve, with the aim of improving the training experiences proposed by entities and companies.


Joaquín Gairín Sallán

Session moderator.
Director of CRiEDO

Armand Sánchez Bonastre

Vice-Rector for Research and Transference

Jesus Martinez Marin

Head of Innovation and Knowledge Management Area at the Center for Legal Studies and Specialized Training & Promoter of the Compartim Program

David Rodríguez Gómez

Associate professor at the UAB

Montserrat Garcia Ortiz

General Director of Glifing

Josep Lluís Segú

Partner d'InnovaMat Education

Joan Sansaloni

Development Manager ACCIÓ Innovation Program

