3D printing: From prototyping to industrial manufacturing

IKEA classroom, building TR1 - ESEIAAT UPC

The disruption of supply systems induced by COVID-19 caused a shortage of raw materials in most of the industry's verticals. This situation raised the awareness of manufacturers about the crucial role of 3D Printing Technologies or Additive Manufacturing, which was a great opportunity to overcome the state of emergency.

Additive Manufacturing (FA) is a concept that encompasses many technologies, such as 3D printing, prototyping, digital manufacturing, layered manufacturing, among others. It consists of the process of joining materials to make pieces from 3D model data or computer aided design (CAD), usually layer upon layer.
In contrast to traditional industrial manufacturing techniques, this tool allows for greater control and customization of products through design flexibility; high production and range of materials; greater transparency, quality and independence; greater efficiency, low material waste and cost savings. In addition, it has a wide application to key industry verticals such as:
  • The automotive industry
  • Industrial manufacturing
  • Consumer products
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Construction and Architecture

This Hub b30 Innovation Brunch was aimed at SMEs and aimed to address the main challenges of developing and incorporating 3D or FA printing technologies, 3D printing on metals and plastics, as well as opportunities or new business models that will drive growth and value creation in our territory.

The session is part of the cycle “Vallès Industrial. Innovating in times of crisis ”promoted by the Consell Comarcal del Vallès Occidental within the framework of the Pact for Reindustrialisation.



Antoni Gil

Session moderator.

3D Multijet Fusion R&D Firmware Project Manager at HP

Marcel Macarulla

Associate Professor and Academic Director of the FA Master at UPC

Tomeu Ventayol

Project Manager at NGNY Devices

Francesc Mestres Domenech

Senior Technical Sales Engineer  at Optimus 3D



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